
Barbara Kruger

Barbara Kruger is now internationally renowned.she worked as a graphic designer, art director, and picture editor in the art departments at House and Garden, Aperture, and other publications.Much of her text questions the viewer about feminism, classicism, consumerism, and individual autonomy and desire, although her black-and-white images are culled from the mainstream magazines that sell the very ideas she is disputing(Biography,n.d.).
Barbara Kuger is famous for her signature black,white and red poster-style works of art.Her style is a combination of pictures and text,and this style was used in the two picture,too. 
"I shop therefore I am" show us a new idea.In my opinion,Barbara Kruger think we should go shopping,and the government should encourage people to go shopping.some people save money and put all the money into the bank.some people consume in their daily life.Comparing two kinds of people,the consumers are the real people who love their country.It is a fact that consumption is the purpose of production ,so many consumers provide more jobs for people.They make the economy of a country be rapidly advancing all the time.
 In my opinion,live too high is not a good thing for the economy.The rich waste money on unuseful thing,the poor have no money to have simple food.As Barbara Kruger said"This luxurious garment won't make you rich or beautiful"  Mental wealth is very necessary for a person .we should consume reasonablely and have a right concept of wealeh .
These images communicate these ideas effectively .The pictures  describe  these ideas vividly and the words in the works describe these ideas directly.
Accoording to Xin-Kuan(2009,April26),mercantilism has long been an ambiguous concept .by its very nature,mercantilism was the theory of the relationship between state and market economy on the period of commercial capitalism,but also a practice of interaction between state and market economy.Mercantilism included mercantilist thought and mercantilist policy at two levels,whether mercantilist thinking or policy,had two facet:one was state intervention,and another was free trade,which were indispensable(para.l).
 The two examples mention Consumption and production.they play a important roles in mercantilism. 

Barbara Kruger
still from The Globe Shrinks
dimensions variable
four-screen digital video installation

"The Globe Shrinks"(2010) is a multiple channel video installation on that continues Kruger's engagement with the kindness and brutality of the everyday,the collision of declaration and doubt,the duet of pictures and words,the resonance of direct address,and the unspoken in every conversation(Barbara Kruger"the Globe Shrinks"at Mary Boone Gallery,2010).
She is a legendary New York artrist.

References:Biography.(n.d.).Retrieved from http://www.barbarakruger.com/.
                     Xin-Kuan,L.(2009,April 26).Analysis of the concept of mecantilism.Retrieved from  http://en.cnki.com.cn/.
           Barbara Kruger"The Globe Shrinks"at Mary Boone Gallery.(2010).Retrieved from http://slamxhype.com/art-design/barbara-kruger

2 条评论:

  1. In my personal opinion consumerism and materialism are the key points Kruger is trying to address through these images. It questions the viewer and makes them think about what is most important in life. Especially when we live in a society that is all about wealth and pocessions. By making the images relatable to advertisements we see today it communicates those ideas effectively. Krugers play on words "I shop therefore I am" is also a eye graber.

  2. I enjoy the way you talk about Barbara Kruger's works, in my opinion, Barbara's work also relates to consumerism and self-economic,which after country's economy. Both images are Two-tone images with overlaid captions. Also the captions are in 'Future bold oblique' font and typed over white which is usual in much of her work.
